Friday, September 13, 2024

New build at last!

 I saw a video recently of someone who made a Little Joe guitar.  More like an open tuned 4 string uke sized wooden banjo with just 2 frets so you could play 1,4,5.  It also combined a holder for a harmonica.

Now while this is cute it made me think back to a uke made by Regal/Harmony (I've seen them labeled as both in reference books).  The one that interested me was called a mando uke and looked like this.

So I took a good straight on picture I found, imported it into Visio, enlarged it to actual size by bringing the scale from nut to bridge to 15", then printed it across 5 pages (again, actual size).

Then I cut out the pics, taped them together, and used spray glue to attach them to a wood pattern board which then got cut out.

Next I traced that pattern onto 3/4" plywood which will be used as a framework for the sides and neck.
I'll use good quality quarter sawn wood for the top/back/bracing/fretboard.

Oh, and did I mention that it will use steel strings and be a 5 string?  gGcea, octave G's closely spaced.

Wish me luck, thinking this will be pretty quick for basic construction but I've got some finishing touches in mind that will likely stretch it out a little bit.  This is 1 day since I thought about it and the 6 rough outlines have already been cut out (not to the lines yet, just separated to make them easier to work with).

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