More pictures added on 8/10, take a look below... and again on 8/12! And 8/16.
I know some of you have been waiting to hear about this, the WCUF was a BLAST!
I know some of you have been waiting to hear about this, the WCUF was a BLAST!
What do you want to know? Workshops daily from 9-12 and 1-4, concerts from 6-11, jamming and talking and shopping uke in between.
The lineup of performers: Kimo Hussey, Ali Lexa, Windy City Islanders, Seeso, Abe Lagrimas Jr., Gerald Ross, Tim Sweeney, Victoria Vox, Mark "Spanky" Guiterrez, Lil Rev, Barefoot Hawaiian, Jonathan Carreira, Lopaka, Keenan Kamae, Curt Sheller. Hope I didn't miss any!
If ukes can get mojo from osmosis I'm in good shape, MY uke was played by Kimo Hussey, Spanky, Gerald Ross, MGM, and others as they checked it out. It's not perfect but I think I got a few thumbs up, I even have video of Spanky playing it which I'll try to get on here somehow (I've never done that before).
Check back as I'll probably just update this blog rather than enter another one.
And remember, StrumMn will meet on Monday 8/18 down at Como.
Anyway, here's a pic of the stage at the Tiki Terrace to start things off.

And a pic of David and Paul, and Spanky playing MY uke!

And here's Mark "Spanky" Guiterrez playing MY uke... just 20 seconds worth.
I just received this next picture from Steve Matheson. He lives in Australia and attended the WCUF. Since my Sheoak wood is from Australia I thought he'd get a kick out of it, and he did!

The lineup of performers: Kimo Hussey, Ali Lexa, Windy City Islanders, Seeso, Abe Lagrimas Jr., Gerald Ross, Tim Sweeney, Victoria Vox, Mark "Spanky" Guiterrez, Lil Rev, Barefoot Hawaiian, Jonathan Carreira, Lopaka, Keenan Kamae, Curt Sheller. Hope I didn't miss any!
If ukes can get mojo from osmosis I'm in good shape, MY uke was played by Kimo Hussey, Spanky, Gerald Ross, MGM, and others as they checked it out. It's not perfect but I think I got a few thumbs up, I even have video of Spanky playing it which I'll try to get on here somehow (I've never done that before).
Check back as I'll probably just update this blog rather than enter another one.
And remember, StrumMn will meet on Monday 8/18 down at Como.
Anyway, here's a pic of the stage at the Tiki Terrace to start things off.

And a pic of David and Paul, and Spanky playing MY uke!

And here's Mark "Spanky" Guiterrez playing MY uke... just 20 seconds worth.
I just received this next picture from Steve Matheson. He lives in Australia and attended the WCUF. Since my Sheoak wood is from Australia I thought he'd get a kick out of it, and he did!

Here Kimo Hussey teaches a class.
Part of the vendor area...
More vendor space... That's MGM (Music Guy Mike) in blue with his back to the camera and Curt Sheller walking away (his table is the one in the foreground...)
Lil' Rev performs along with Gerald Ross.
And Victoria Vox puts on a fun show.
Jamming in the hotel lobby, photo courtesy or UkuleleTonya
One more picture! I added a few t-shirts to my wardrobe. I had a couple StrumMn t-shirts embroidered for David and myself (I can get more for $15 if anyone is interested, now that the image is digitized. I'll probably change the text from "my ukulele" to "ukulele players" next time around). Then there is the official WCUF t-shirt. And David's wife surprised us by sending along the Ukulele Hero shirts for both of us; what a gal!
love the photos.
Thanks for the pics, maybe next year we'll get more people to go to the magical ukulele weekend! -- Ukester Brown (PS the food was fabulous too!!) has some good photos too... One has us when we were jamming in the hotel lobby. Ukester Brown
Good job with all the pictures and the video. It was a very good time. I learned a lot in in one weekend. All players should go there if just for the lessons. Once again well done with the video. Thanks again Brian and David for the meal at the Tiki Terrace. -Paul
I agree the food was good. Though I probably should have ordered the ribs on Sun. Oh well. -Paul
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