Friday, September 26, 2008

Follow-up to Sept 21 uke playing session

Hi everyone,

Once again we had 6 people show up, incuding 2 more 1st timers... welcome guys!
Lots of uke talk, playing through songs and discussion with Paul about his Peace Corps assignment to Samoa. We all wish him the best!

Of course, we met on Sunday and on Monday I got a call that the new StrumMn shirts are all done and ready to be picked up. No hurry now so I don't have them yet, maybe this weekend.
If anyone is in a hurry to get theirs (assuming you asked for one) maybe we can work something out. I drive from Lino Lakes to Eden Prairie every day and there is a lot in between there where I could meet or drop one off. Otherwise I'll have them at the October get together which will be... well, sometime in October. Either the 19th or 26th... any preference? Speak up now and I'll set the date soon.

If you have links to music for us to try just leave a comment. David has been coming up with some winners lately... got any more?

Keep StrumMn!


Anonymous said...

The T-shirts are here!
The T-shirts are here!

And they're lookin' gooood!

Anonymous said...

Here's the best place on the web for locating ukelele tab:

Richard Gillmann's Free Ukulele Tab Links

Also, I'll be watching for the next meeting. I think I'd like to attend.

Anonymous said...

Brian, Any one of those date would be fine. It will be fun to not play alone. I have some songs that I have been playing. I will get them to you next week, I have to get ready for a show this weekend.

Gary E.